
Each classroom visits the library weekly. Students spend 30 - 45 minutes in the library, listening to the librarian read stories and choosing the books they will be checking out for the week. Kindergarteners must leave library books in their classroom; students in first grade and up can bring the books home with them.

Our full-time library technician,manages the library and its extensive bilingual collection with the assistance of a number of parent and community volunteers. The library volunteers shelve the 1200 - 1800 books returned every week by our students. New material acquisitions are funded through PTA donations.

Many of the books in the library are labeled with Accelerated Reader levels. Students are assessed periodically to determine their current reading level to help them make appropriate choices. Several computers are available in the library for students to take AR quizzes.

Library Book Loan Agreement

Library books must be returned on time and in good condition. Books are loaned for one week. Kindergarten, first and second graders may check out one book per week. Third through fifth graders may check out two books per week. Parents are responsible for lost or damaged books, which can cost $5.00 to $35.00.

If your child brings home a book that is damaged, please return it to our library right away – do not attempt to mend it at home. In order to avoid damaging a book at home, please ensure that your child does not write in it. Also, please remind him/her to turn the pages carefully. Library books should be kept in a safe place at home that is out of the reach of pets and little brothers/sisters. On rainy days, students should keep their library book in their backpack or place it in a plastic bag for protection.

Students can check out library books once they have returned the Book Loan Agreement form with a parent and student signature.

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